Stewart House School

Changing Children's lives since 1931

Telephone02 9938 3822

Reconciliation Action Plan

Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Education

At Stewart House School, we understand that reconciliation is a continuous process that requires ongoing dedication and collaboration. To guide our efforts, we have chosen to utilise the Narragunnawali platform, an innovative and comprehensive resource for embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in education. This platform provides us with valuable guidance, resources, and tools to ensure that our reconciliation initiatives are effective and meaningful.

Our staff are proud to have a RAP in place, as it represents our school's commitment to reconciliation. It serves as a roadmap that outlines the specific actions we are taking to create an inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment for our students.

Our Vision for  Reconciliation

Stewart House School acknowledges the cultural histories, heritages and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We seek to foster a rich understanding for all students where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are recognised as being the First Nations peoples of Australia.

At Stewart House we value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples including Elders past and present for the wisdom and connection they hold to Country. Stewart House School respects the rich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritages and endeavours to strengthen the sense of belonging for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, staff and families by building respectful relationships. We will continue to promote an inclusive environment where all cultures are recognised with a specific focus on celebrating the oldest living culture in the world today.

Reconciliation Action Plans