Stewart House School works in partnership with Stewart House Organisation to deliver the Stewart House Program. This is underpinned by the Stewart House Wellbeing Framework.
Stewart House School provides teaching and learning experiences based upon social and emotional learning, experiential learning and having healthy, safe and active experiences.
Healthy, Safe and Active Experiences relate to the extent to which students feel physically safe and healthy.
Social and Emotional Learning are interrelated:
· Social learning includes the extent to which we experience positive relationships and connectedness to others. It is important for pro-social behaviour and our empathy toward others;
· Emotional learning relates to self-awareness and emotional regulation. It includes how well we cope, and is often reflected by the level of a person’s resilience. Emotional wellbeing is in part informed by our capacity for self-reflection.
Experiential learning involves students participating in off-site activities and is key to developing experiences and opportunities in which to apply the skills taught inside classrooms and cabins. It also provides opportunities to receive feedback from students in a comfortable, in-formal and safe environment.
The relationships fostered between children and staff are key to the success of the program. A planned approach with clear, predictable boundaries and consequences plus scope for choice, is essential in establishing a safe environment for learning.
Health Screening and Self-Care Skills
All students have the opportunity to participate in health screening (Dental, Optometric and Auditory screening). This is managed by Stewart House Organisation in conjunction with NSW Health, Macquarie University, University of NSW and other health providers.
Students are supported to improve self-care skills throughout their stay by both school staff and residential staff.